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portada Power Engineering: Novel Concepts and Applications (en Inglés)
Libro Físico
N° páginas
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Power Engineering: Novel Concepts and Applications (en Inglés)

Libro Nuevo

$ 145.54

$ 291.08

Ahorras: $ 145.54

50% descuento
  • Estado: Nuevo
Origen: Estados Unidos (Costos de importación incluídos en el precio)
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Reseña del libro "Power Engineering: Novel Concepts and Applications (en Inglés)"

Power engineering is the study, design and building of technology that is able to transmit, receive and generate electric power. This book on power engineering deals with the most advanced applications of power systems which are used in large-scale power generation and transmission. Some of the diverse topics covered in this book address the varied branches that fall under this category. It elucidates new techniques and their applications in a multidisciplinary approach. While understanding the long-term perspectives of the topics, the book makes an effort in highlighting their impact as a modern tool for the growth of the discipline. It will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and post graduate students. The chapters covered in this book offer the readers new insights in the field of power engineering.

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Dura.

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