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portada So You Think You're in a Relationship: Things You Need to Know Before You Say I Do (en Inglés)
Libro Físico
N° páginas
Tapa Blanda
20.3 x 12.7 x 0.4 cm
0.09 kg.

So You Think You're in a Relationship: Things You Need to Know Before You Say I Do (en Inglés)

Kimberly McAllister (Autor) · Authorhouse · Tapa Blanda

So You Think You're in a Relationship: Things You Need to Know Before You Say I Do (en Inglés) - McAllister, Kimberly

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$ 17.85

$ 35.69

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Reseña del libro "So You Think You're in a Relationship: Things You Need to Know Before You Say I Do (en Inglés)"

This book was written for all the ladies, whether you are single, dating or planning on dating, engaged, or married. No matter what season you are in when it comes to a relationship there is always something that you can learn. From a spiritual perspective, you will understand how God intended marriage to be. Find out what some of the pitfalls are when it comes to dating, and marriage and how you can avoid them. There are helpful tips and advice in case you find yourself moving to that next level of saying "I Do."

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Blanda.

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