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portada The Astonishing Thing (en Inglés)
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Mass Market Paperback

The Astonishing Thing (en Inglés)

Sandi Ward (Autor) · Kensington · Mass Market Paperback

The Astonishing Thing (en Inglés) - Sandi Ward

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$ 13.57

$ 27.13

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Reseña del libro "The Astonishing Thing (en Inglés)"

The Astonishing Thing follows Boo, the cat, and her quest to discover the truth about her mother's disappearance, and perhaps more importantly, to make sense of her new world.  House-bound, mystified by human behavior, and deeply saddened by mother's abandonment, she is in for the greatest challenge of her life.Pet owners know that a cat's loyalty is not easily earned. Boo, a resourceful young feline with a keen eye and inquiring mind, has nonetheless grown intensely devoted to her human companion, Carrie. Several days ago, Carrie--or Mother, as Boo calls her--suddenly went away, leaving her family, including Boo, in disarray. Carrie's husband, Tommy, is distant and distracted even as he does his best to care for Boo's human siblings, especially baby Finn.Boo worries about who will fill her food dish, and provide a warm lap to nestle into. More pressing still, she's trying to uncover the complicated truth about why Carrie left. Though frequently mystified by human behavior, Boo is sure that Carrie once cared passionately for Tommy and adores her children, even the non-feline ones. But she also sees it may not be enough to make things right. Perhaps only a cat--a wise, observant, very determined cat--can do that.Wonderfully tender and insightful, The Astonishing Thing explores the intricacies of marriage and family through an unforgettable perspective at the center of it all.

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Mass Market Paperback.

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