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portada Understanding the Social in Social Media: How to Grow Your Business by Being Successfully Social (en Inglés)
Libro Físico
N° páginas
Tapa Blanda
21.6 x 14.0 x 0.9 cm
0.20 kg.

Understanding the Social in Social Media: How to Grow Your Business by Being Successfully Social (en Inglés)

Taylor Ellwood (Autor) · Createspace Independent Publishing Platform · Tapa Blanda

Understanding the Social in Social Media: How to Grow Your Business by Being Successfully Social (en Inglés) - Ellwood, Taylor

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$ 25.58

$ 51.16

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Reseña del libro "Understanding the Social in Social Media: How to Grow Your Business by Being Successfully Social (en Inglés)"

Learn how to engage your customers and grow your businessBeing successful on social media isn't simply a matter of having a Facebook page and posting to your fans.Social media is two way communication and if you don't know how to be social with your followers, you won't be able to grow your business. Your fans want to know there's a living person answering them, instead of a bot just blasting out advertisement after advertisement.Success on social media involves using social behaviors to create and improve relationships you have with your customers. When you have social relationships with your customers, you have the opportunity to turn them into passionate advocates that will help you grow your business.You will learn the following: How to write invitations that get you in the door with someone, instead of just becoming a number.The importance of developing social media policies.The difference between good and bad social media behaviorWhat being social really means and how it can help your business grow, while also helping you connect to a passionate fan base.Just being on social media isn't enough. Learn how to be successfully social and watch as it changes your social media connections into business connections that grow your business!

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